African Lip Service ... Bush and congressional money strings
First, let me preference this comment with a historical sidebar. Presidents throughout the latter half of the twentieth century (both Democrat and GOP) have given lip service to Africa and especially Sub-Sahara Africa. However, Africa has become a political hot button issue in the past 6 years with the devastation of the AIDS pandemic. Also this disease has been buttressed with economic and political strife, notably “election democracies” – Zimbabwe being a case in point.
Africa has moved to a complete state of crisis. This administration uses Africa as an annual talking point. It creates news worthy sound bites which form an illusion of sincerity. It sounds wonderful that aid is “promised” to Africa and large numbers are thrown around, in an effort to console the domestic masses. Yet, this lip service is adding to the torment of millions in Africa and translates into a real integrity dilemma for the US.
Africans hear the news of billions and only find their problems multiplying. Congress can be blamed for their lack of continuity and fortitude over needed legislation for Africa, but remember these representatives are concerned with self preservation first and philanthropy second. So Bush’s shrewd political power play will ultimately backfire. More Africa governments will stem funds from their own coffers, thinking that the US can fill in the void, however funds will never arrive and Africa will become the first true continental holocaust since the black plague of the 1300’s.
Africa has moved to a complete state of crisis. This administration uses Africa as an annual talking point. It creates news worthy sound bites which form an illusion of sincerity. It sounds wonderful that aid is “promised” to Africa and large numbers are thrown around, in an effort to console the domestic masses. Yet, this lip service is adding to the torment of millions in Africa and translates into a real integrity dilemma for the US.
Africans hear the news of billions and only find their problems multiplying. Congress can be blamed for their lack of continuity and fortitude over needed legislation for Africa, but remember these representatives are concerned with self preservation first and philanthropy second. So Bush’s shrewd political power play will ultimately backfire. More Africa governments will stem funds from their own coffers, thinking that the US can fill in the void, however funds will never arrive and Africa will become the first true continental holocaust since the black plague of the 1300’s.
I would love to see your empirical evidence of 600 billion dollars and the ratio of corrupt leaders, dipping their hand into the altruist till of American governemntal philanthropy. Please no corporate media accounts.,1,3109120.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines
Please follow the above link for an example
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