Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Liberty and hope is the right of all humanity…

So freedom and hope are natural rights unto man. According to Bush II these ephemeral rights are natural and can not be given or taken away from anyone, anywhere at anytime. They are innate. Thus as natural beings we must be granted these rights, from God the creator. Freedom and liberty then should be thrust upon us from above like bolts of lightening. We must brace for its impact and hope that we can withstand its majesty.

Bush II and more importantly the USA are bound by duty. We have the power of this everlasting lightening. We are the empire of the sun; we are the imperial nation thrown into the gulf. We are the true republic; a republic for which Montesquieu had never dreamed and never realized. We are the culmination of struggles, war, death, corruption, evangelicalism, business and greed. We are the nation upon a hill a vista of clear knowledge. A realist view into a foreign world filled with blasphemy and evil. We are the light for which all must read.

(And again we swallow the lies. And again we are enamored by the lust for power. And once again we think all is well and we are strong we are fit and we are full of light while the world wallows in the shadows of evil, ignorance and injustice. A mirror can show more than the vanity of our physical form; a mirror onto the truth can be more revealing than the rhetoric of hypercritics.)

Rejoice in knowing that the end is not near and you can make a lasting change. You and I are the light and the power. For it will always be “WE THE PEOPLE”

Monday, January 30, 2006

One vote, one man, one time…

It has been said that democracy and all its machinations is not true 'people power' until the majority party is voted out and they give up power to the minority party. Joe Klein on corporate media, quoting a late twentieth century Egyptian, underscored this notion of pseudo-power transfer when he repeated, the tongue and cheek mantra “One man, One vote, One time.”

Thus we have Hamas. It is of no small consequence that the last “election” for the Palestinians was a decade ago. Coupled with this victory for Hamas is the changing of the guard in Israel. After the Israelis have digested the Hamas victory; the Knesset will move to a hard-line front.

The chess board is now set. We have a popularly elected group in Hamas and a hard-line government unwilling to deal with terrorist groups. Ironically, the Israelis used terrorist tactics against the British (circa 1947), to achieve autonomy and the British now have close ties to the Israel. Unfortunately, Hamas demonstrates once again that terrorism and guerrilla tactics will bear fruit to a political party or sovereign nation.

Moreover, pundits and politicos alike have trumpeted the sound for Hamas to change their ways (aka terrorist actions). Uh? Why? Why would a group known for such actions change their ways? Remember the people elected this group into power with full knowledge of their terrorist history. So in the political world of representative democracy Hamas represents the people. Fatah did not produce the desired results and they have been marginalized. Terrorism and force were elected in Palestine. A theme which will also be revealed in Iraq, in effect, the Hamas victory is a primer for Iraq.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

That’s why they call it Liberal Arts...

Noting in the Guardian of London today is an article revealing Conservative and Republican forces, tied to a UCLA Alumni association, paying students to spy on liberal professors. For example, “full notes, a tape recording and a copy of all teaching materials, students at the University of California Los Angeles are being offered $100 (£57)”. Moreover, “lecture notes must make particular note of audience reactions, comments, and other details that will properly contextualize the professor's non-pertinent ideological comments.” If a tape recording is not your type of academic espionage then students may reveal teaching materials, hand written notes or pictures of the professor in pink, red or any other communist related colors.

The alumni group calling themselves UCLAProfs decree their mission as “a long-term project dedicated to exposing UCLA’s most radical professors”. Radical is right! How dare these professors get off topic and try to mentally molest our youth with dreams of equality, free speech, critical thinking, dissent and citizen participation in a democratic process! How dare these egg heads smear the good name of GOP leaders and everything conservative! This is an outrage, a pure and unadulterated manifestation of Darwinian thinking and unnatural questioning of the status quo. Where do these professors think they are living, this isn’t Europe, this is America!

Additionally, students in Dr. Ramona Ripston were outraged by her mean looks and downright dysfunction. Or as Andrew Jones notes, “her disrespect for the intelligence of her students, or an unintentional acknowledgement that many liberal arguments can't withstand scrutiny. Instead of presenting a spectrum of opinion or soliciting student inputs, she ruthlessly controlled the class debate, using the power of her position to dismiss any opposition that might surface.” The young leader of the UCLA republicans just couldn’t stand being out of the spotlight.

My advice, get over it. Find your intellectual balls and work harder than anyone else on the political field. If your hide is to fragile for professors and their pontification then go out and publish or create a new and dynamic force for which to free the world of liberal thoughts. Spying and taking down notes in a spiteful vengeance will only make your intellect smaller and less attractive to other Anglophiles. Professors have the right and the duty to piss you off. They are the last barrier before you enter a world of pure scorn and distastefulness. Not everyone is going to love your ideas.

For example, I graduate with an MA (Political Science) from The University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida( the original Scarborough country). P'cola is a haven for conservative thought and a community known for bombing doctors. It was a challenge and an obsession to thwart my professors and reveal a new and creative side to ANY discussion. Students were blazingly closed minded and professors moonlighted as conservative TV personalities. This did not stop me from graduating or make me a subversive toward my University. It emboldened me to work twice as hard and read twice as more. And I thought Liberals were the ones without a backbone!