Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Factum est*

On this day we have witnessed the first throws of a civil war in Iraq. While we gorge ourselves on Cheney and his new escapade of incompetence, Iraq burns. Even with Iraq's top Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, calling for peace and calm, groups are forming and lines are being drawn. Justice is being called for, but without the rule of law, justice will manifest in more burnings and death squads. This is the new Iraq, this is the outcome of an incompetent administration, and this is the victory that so many have died for.

And for America?

American soldiers and diplomats will sit back and wait. This is the only option; we have induced a child of war and now must watch it ravage the country. If we feel that it is our duty to step in, then which side do we attack first, which group do we condemn, which group must be stopped and which group is aiding and abetting the terrorist? We have painted ourselves in a corner with paint that will sporadically dry. Consequently, a civil/guerilla war of this scale will take decades to resolve. Iran (a Sunni stronghold) will fuel every fire and give ample resources to either side. Terrorists will have plenty of chances to gain useful war time experience. Thus we have sown the seeds for civil war in the Middle East. The best laid plans of mice (the Bush administration) and men (the Provisional Governing Authority) are now on the precipice of completely destabilizing the Middle East. The Bush Junta has committed the ultimate culpa: opening the Middle East to complete civil war with a nuclear option.

* it is done


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad days, indeed.

10:48 AM  

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