Divine History

Those who control the present control the future. –Blair
The Muslim world is aflame. Christian holidays are in full capitalistic swing and everyone is more concerned with eggnog than wartime policy. We wander through teams of shoppers and hope that parking is not a problem. A religion in all its unfettered glory is on display. I move toward the bookstore for solace and pick up the current NewsMax magazine revealing the new fundamentalists leaders of the 21st century. (I am still waiting for the baseball cards, with born-again dates dictating value. I am banking on Kirk Cameron over Bob Coy, Joyce Meyer and Ted Haggard, however his card may be good for the sodomites.)
After reading about a new interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount, I place NewsMax back on the shelf and what do I see below, undoubtedly a proper place for such a liberal rag, Harper’s magazine. It is unabashed in its hatred of all things Christian, moral (is there a difference?) and righteousness in this world. In fact, the cover essay is a provocative account of how history is being rewritten, to suit the Christian agenda. This of course is a tautology, for history is the agenda of Christ, the two are cosmicly linked. History is through Christ and Christ alone. And it is also big business some ½ billion dollars worth of home schooling materials sold to some 2 million righteous followers of the sword. And to my secular devils speak; I must, as Bill Apelian of Bob Jones University explains, “unschool” myself. It would be akin to a mental exorcism, clearing away logic, reason and enlightened thought and leaving in its place just the good and the bad, the black and the white, the Christ and the Satan. Lastly, I must understand that “History is God’s working in man.”
A key component of this history is free enterprise and that this economic model is of divine inspiration. Never mind the empirical proof that capitalism is based on scarcity of goods and built-in inequality, thus creating masses of meek and poor wretches. However, empirical proof is not real it is man made and absent of Christ’s truth. Thus, free markets are in God’s image and any adjustment by man can only be an abomination. Another branch on this holy tree of historical reckoning is the ‘key-man theory’. This is not a theory of course because pious Christians have consulted with Christ and found that his work must be done through ‘unschooled language’ before the heathens can understand. Consequently, the preachers must use terms like, theory and history until we are free from this secular devilsmith. The key-man theory goes like this, in Christ’s History there are men, and I guess women, that are placed into situations, which alter events in Christ’s image. This occurs during wars and other events demanding divine consultation. The key-man is thus ‘the key’ to helping unfold God’s plan. An example, of this key-man is Rousas John Rushdonny, founder of Christian Reconstructionism and firm believer in ‘presuppositionalism’. However, the most important portion of Christ’s History is the fact that we have all turned our collective backs on history and must re-live through Christ a new history, a revision of our true selves absent of logic, cause and effect or terrestrial machinations . In effect, we must change the past to control the present thus dictating the future.