Law of diminishing returns...The surge factor
The tendency for a continuing application of effort or skill toward a particular project or goal to decline in effectiveness after a certain level of result has been achieved. This is a clear definition of diminishing returns, however if one was to read this on a billboard or say a subway poster, you might be inclined to place it as a clear definition for the war in Iraq. 20,000 or 100,000 more troops will not solve a problem or ‘project’ for the level of result has already been achieved. This may not be the level that everyone thought or wanted but war is a messy operation, and as Rummy once said, “you go to war with the army you got”. Unfortunately, the new strategy for Iraq which will be unveiled next week, (Why not unveil it now? Is the old plan still working? If so then why change? I guess logic is not part of the new equation.) is a stop gap measure at best and a new epic blunder at worse. So sit back and have a drink while Bushy lets us all know about sacrifice, freedom, democracy, liberty, torture, hangings and surges for success.
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