Incompetence as political strategy

After witnessing the GOP leadership during the past few weeks, I have come to the realization that the GOP can do no wrong. No matter if it is a CIA agent being revealed, or civil liberties being run over, or victims of natural disaster being left out of the social contract, or justice officials being fired, or high raking officials in the white house convicted; it does not matter for the GOP, because incompetence is now a strategy. All of these episodes are small in comparison to the overarching debacle of the Iraq war; however, again, this is not a political defeat for the GOP. In fact, the worse the administration is the better it is in the long run for the party. Running on the misnomer of ‘small government is better government’ (this is a misnomer because smaller government has never been an actual state of affairs for the GOP, they have never decreased the size of government, in fact, this administration has increased the size of the federal government to new heights) the GOP can do no wrong.
The logic may not be purposeful, but the result is the same: the worse government performs the better for the GOP. It is simple. On the campaign trail, the GOP can trumpet the miserable state of affairs in Washington and say with a straight face, “What we need is smaller government, less government, government is the enemy, less taxes come from less government…look at the government and how bloated it has become.” The other side of the coin is the cynicism which is created because of governmental ineptitude. In fact, this is the left hook after the right cross for the GOP: big government=bad, cynicism about government=good. Because, in the cause and effect world of first level thinkers, you must have both bad and good covered before blame can be assessed.