Out of Plato’s Cave
As many have stated before and many believe to this day, men are disharmonious by nature and war is a part of the global environment. Utopia is unrealistic and impossible. Thus an artificial balance must be created, between man’s Hobbesian nature and peaceful coexistence. Perceptions from the Plato's cave (see The Republic) of realism have been fraught with mistruths and oversimplification. When nations come into the light and out of Plato’s cave, liberalism will be waiting. In the 21st century this is a real and possible alternative to the strife and vindictive nature of 20th century realism.
The United States, as the one true power in the world, creates this alternative. At this time in history the power fulcrum is in the hands of a democratic-republican form of government, which possess resources and skills (educational exchanges, technology advancement, debt relief, etc.) which can be reallocated, in effect fostering initial democracies. As G. John Ikenberry remarks, “at no other time in modern history has a single state loomed so large over the rest of the world,” as the United States. (1)
Moreover, unilateralism is not inevitable; cooperation can become a national interest. In fact, for The United States to prosper it must become a beacon of cooperation and international problem solving. Ikenberry also produces guidelines for The United States to follow:
1. Functional demands for cooperation.
2. Functional management of hegemonic power.
3. Functional American legal and institutional tradition.(2)
Nations must have a functional mechanism to debate and coordinate issues with The United States. A proto type can be seen in The European Union, which is a “manifestation of this sovereignty- transferring legally binding multilateralism.”(3)
In sum, examples are available and intentions of peace making have been exhibited (4), however The United States, like a child understanding a new language is sometimes confused, but with time and conscience effort it can fully understand new words and ideas, for it must practice the language and actions devloped through Kantian liberalism. Consequently, preemption and strike first mentality is a residual effect of the 20th century. This will soon ware thin on the institutions, which generate power in democratic-republican governments, i.e. the people. After such time war can begin its long fade into history, or as John Mueller uncovers, “war begins in the minds of men, it can end there as well.”(5)
(1) Ikenberry, G. John. “Is American Mulilateralism in Decline? (http://www.apsanet.org/) 533.
(2) Ibid
(3) Ibid p. 535
(4) See Lang, Anthony F. Jr., Albert C. Pierce and Joel H. Rosenthal, ed. Ethics and the Future of Conflict: Lessons from the 1990’s. New Jersey: Pearson, 2004.
(5) Betts, Richard K. ed. Conflict After The Cold War: Arguments on Causes of War and Peace. 2nd ed. (New York: Longman, 2002) 128-130.
The United States, as the one true power in the world, creates this alternative. At this time in history the power fulcrum is in the hands of a democratic-republican form of government, which possess resources and skills (educational exchanges, technology advancement, debt relief, etc.) which can be reallocated, in effect fostering initial democracies. As G. John Ikenberry remarks, “at no other time in modern history has a single state loomed so large over the rest of the world,” as the United States. (1)
Moreover, unilateralism is not inevitable; cooperation can become a national interest. In fact, for The United States to prosper it must become a beacon of cooperation and international problem solving. Ikenberry also produces guidelines for The United States to follow:
1. Functional demands for cooperation.
2. Functional management of hegemonic power.
3. Functional American legal and institutional tradition.(2)
Nations must have a functional mechanism to debate and coordinate issues with The United States. A proto type can be seen in The European Union, which is a “manifestation of this sovereignty- transferring legally binding multilateralism.”(3)
In sum, examples are available and intentions of peace making have been exhibited (4), however The United States, like a child understanding a new language is sometimes confused, but with time and conscience effort it can fully understand new words and ideas, for it must practice the language and actions devloped through Kantian liberalism. Consequently, preemption and strike first mentality is a residual effect of the 20th century. This will soon ware thin on the institutions, which generate power in democratic-republican governments, i.e. the people. After such time war can begin its long fade into history, or as John Mueller uncovers, “war begins in the minds of men, it can end there as well.”(5)
(1) Ikenberry, G. John. “Is American Mulilateralism in Decline? (http://www.apsanet.org/) 533.
(2) Ibid
(3) Ibid p. 535
(4) See Lang, Anthony F. Jr., Albert C. Pierce and Joel H. Rosenthal, ed. Ethics and the Future of Conflict: Lessons from the 1990’s. New Jersey: Pearson, 2004.
(5) Betts, Richard K. ed. Conflict After The Cold War: Arguments on Causes of War and Peace. 2nd ed. (New York: Longman, 2002) 128-130.
Dear Mr. Leviathan,
I think you have grandly missed what most in todays political climate have; balance, is what America is truly searching for as we stumble blindly about in Plato's cave.
And that mumbo jumbo about the only superpower. We are simply the only one playing our hand with the world to see. Never forget China: with it's hidden genetic tinkering, mass build up of military might, and it's thrust for energy of all kinds. Our over extended military will prove a misstep(see yesterdays NYtimes.com, Rumsfeld urging Iraq's interm government to speed things up so we can leave.)
"The United States, as the one true power in the world, creates this alternative. At this time in history the power fulcrum is in the hands of a democratic-republican form of government"
DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN form of government is the key distinction between China and America. Understanding that China does hold much of the US debt in its hands does not make it a superpower. I understand that this is not a popular discovery but China is still trying to understand its communist place in a global capitalist world. This gives the US a hefty economic/poiltical/military advantage.
Granted within the next decade China will rival the US in every category, that is why it is imperative to move out of the cave realism and into the light of liberalism, in a foreign policy sense. If this can be accomplished now then China will be developed as an ally and not an enemy.
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