Monday, November 14, 2005

Yeah Asia, they like me over there…

There was a time when presidents faced with either domestic or foreign troubles would go to the people. Train tours and fireside chats would bring the nation together and real discussion with open discourse would be generated. Local folks as well as international observers would see civil society at its best. Questions would be asked and answers given. Even the late Republican stalwart Herbert Hoover went to the people and declared that hard times would be ahead. Facing an unemployed and anxious public, Hoover, unlike Bush today, faced the problems head on and made way for positive change.

Now, we have a new breed of GOP politician: the absent leader. Instead of a tour within the US, Bush is leaving for Asia. As Reuter’s reports, “Bush's stops in Japan, South Korea, China and Mongolia are aimed mostly at advancing U.S. interests and maintaining friendships without reaching specific agreements, except in the case of steps to address the bird flu threat that may come out of an Asia-Pacific summit in South Korea.” (Italics added) Notice that these stops will not produce any agreements or solid advancements between the US and a number of vital countries in Asia.

In fact, this is an escape. In escape from his citizens. Faced with poll numbers in the 30’s and 40’s, coincidently the same temperatures of many areas in the US, Bush will hide out this week in Asia. Questions about CIA and White House intelligence (or lack there of), Iraq, unemployment, intelligent design, and Rove will be 4000 miles away. Out of sight out of mind. Moreover, Bush will not be harassed by the liberal media(?) and his favorite pastime of napping and bullshiting will be in high gear. Asia will be a respite for a weary and confused man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. d: email me w. new address--i can't call you


2:09 PM  

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