Governor Richardson (D) and North Korea: A Democratic Primary Preview
None, unless we factor in the foreign policy debate between Richardson, Biden and Clinton during the 2008 primary season. This exercise in diplomacy is a clear feather in
The foreign policy debate will revolve around nuclear weapons, and terrorism. Terrorism will be left on the back burner by Democrats. Why? Because it is an issue which is intimately connected to Bush and all things Bush are bad. Thus, voters must not equate Democrats with Bush. Terrorism will be put in the same light as FEMA; speeches will resonate and déclassé tones of “we can do better” and “this will never happen again”. Real solutions will not be blueprinted and real changes can not be announced for fear of losing any ‘swing’ votes. Unfortunately, Democrats as well as Republicans are absent of true answers. No answers or solutions about poverty, education, a bloated and festering defense budget and debt. More smoke and mirrors are on the horizon and Gov. Richardson is ahead of the pack clearing his political reflection of any blemish.
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