Thursday, October 13, 2005

Puppet or Puppet Master?

It is time to stop taking things at face value. We all understand that it is politics as usual for the boys inside the belt way. However, the script or non-script, of Bush and the Army’s 42nd Infantry Division today was PR at its worse and a mockery of truth in a time of war. This blatant unawareness of war and its severity is astounding. Convoluted issues and high school gym pep rallies are not filling the bosom of Bush’s base, like they use to and also alienating the majority of Americans from the world, not to mention Iraq. His question and answer session (please Google, any corporate news network, even they can’t cover for this shell of a president anymore) was misleading, untruthful, and packed with hubris.

Bush’s own field Generals testified before Congress explaining that Iraqi forces are minimal and weak. In fact, only one unit is ready for security duties. This pales in comparison to inflated estimates by the administration, i.e. the jovial Cheney who not four weeks ago said that the insurgency and the resistance were in their last throws. This dog won’t hunt. The administration has given up. The rhetoric is old, the lies are rehearsed and the story unfolding in the Middle East will be haunting us for many Halloweens to come.


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