Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A political IQ quiz

1. American consumers are not allowed to import which product from overseas in whatever quantity they want?

  1. Beer
  2. Fruit
  3. Wine
  4. Clothes
  5. Prescription drugs

That one was easy…

2. What do all of the following have in common?

a. Former Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed

b. Marc Racicot, former chair of the Republican National committee

c. Ed Gillespie, current chair of the RNC

d. Jack Quinn, former With House counsel to President Clinton

e. U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick

f. GOP Pollster Frank Luntz

g. Former With House economic advisor Lawrence Lindsey

Not so easy …. Think slanted E

3. Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The Food and Drug Administration has the power to order the recall of deadly drugs
  2. Government researchers overseeing the testing of prescription drugs are not allowed to receive payments from the makers of those drugs
  3. The FDA independently tests the safety and effectiveness of new drugs
  4. Pharmaceutical manufactures are legally prohibited from advertising drugs for uses for which they have not been approved by the FDA
  5. No congressional committee has investigated why the FDA approved 13 dangerous prescription drugs that have since been withdrawn from the market by their manufactures

If you’re a cynic then this one is a shoe in …

4. Which of the following products is not regulated by the FDA?

  1. Frozen non-meat pizza
  2. Condoms
  3. Pacemakers
  4. Cell Phones
  5. Cigarettes

Have a cigar you’re going go far ….

5. Which of the following does the USDA have the authority to do?

  1. Stop the unlicensed sale of dogs and cats
  2. Punish circuses for mistreating elephants
  3. Penalize watermelon salesmen for failing to keep appropriate records
  4. Assess civil fines for unsanitary conditions in meatpacking plants

More than one answer may apply …

Lastly, for the little ones…

6. What is the leading cause of death among children among those listed below?

  1. Cancer
  2. Pneumonia
  3. Influzena
  5. Gunfire

Answers in comment form only. (courtesy of Is that a Politician in your Pocket?)


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