Monday, September 05, 2005

“I’ll see your threat and raise you some raw uranium.”

The poker table is set. On the button is Tehran. Little blind is occupied by the EU. Big blind is held by the UN and the US is first to call. Everyone has a small pair, but no one has any idea about the two hold cards of Iran. Bluffing in this game will only lead to deaths and invasion. Calling a bet must be thought of in a wider perspective. Iran’s chances of winning are closer to 10% in this high stakes game of international poker. Winning amounts to a caliphate and dominance over Iraq. Thus, Iran will lead the way for extreme politics and religious ideology in the Middle East. It will be the standard bearer for countries wanting to thwart the US behemoth. The stand off between the UN, EU and the US can only lead to action. Iran will have sanctions placed on it by the end of the year. Iran will use this situation as a prop. Lamenting the days of Islamic superiority until the bomb is created. Sanctions did not deter North Korea and sanctions will not deter Iran. Let the chips land where they may.


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