The Shi'ite and Kurdish-led government will move forward with an incomplete constitution and further marginalize the Sunni minority. This comes as Sunni’s themselves are in-fighting. The result will be guerrilla war for much of the next decade. This guerrilla war will not be labeled a civil war by our corporate media, for civil war carries with it nasty connotations. Such as: oil price increases, terrorist infiltration, increase poverty, genocide, and war-lordism, additionally the impact of “Bushcratization” of the region will be lost.
Thus Iraq is in a state of pure flux. A bogus constitution will go to referendum and the Shi’ite/Kurd communities will vote, but this will leave out the most disfranchised portions of society; consequently, forging a deadly alliance between foreign extremists and Sunni radicals. Our military presence in the region will only grow. Changing from a war of liberation(?) to a conflict, or maybe we can call it a police action.
If we do not learn from the mistakes of the past we are doomed to repeat them. I just made that up.
you see the future as if your looking through blown glass
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