Misplaced Preemption
For at least five days the storm turned and grew to massive proportions. For five days warnings and calls for evacuation were sent out. For five days lives were disrupted and alternative plans were implemented. For five days the president and federal government did nothing. Apparently, speeches and cheerleading sessions were of greater importance than the eminent threat lurking in the Gulf. If there was ever a time for preemption this was the time. The threat was clear and unavoidable. Massive cargo trucks would have saved countless lives and the president could have used the moment to shore up some much needed domestic support. This did not happen, preemption, according to the Bush Doctrine, (and Katrina can be viewed as a foreign invader) so that ‘we will strike at the enemy so we don’t have to fight them here’. Show me a better situation than the one in the Gulf Coast. Prevention and preemption in this matter would have healed wounds faster than draining the basin we now call New Orleans.
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