Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Made in the USA: An Iraqi Constitution

"It is a matter of public record that in the final weeks of the process the newly arrived U.S. ambassador (Zalmay Khalizad) took an extremely hands-on role," Justin Alexander, legal affairs officer for the office of constitutional support with the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) told IPS. "Even going so far as to circulate at least one U.S. draft."

Have we lost are minds? Do we think that a foreign written and produced constitution will actually be legitimate? Has the White House completely lost touch with political, geographical and legal realities? Does the White House's belief in true democracy end at the Rose Garden? This blatant attempt to create an artificial course for Iraq has gone too far. The occupation is one thing, the massive killings of civilians are another but circulating a foreign constitution may be beyond stupidity and teetering on abject hubris.

Without sounding tautological, a democractic process must be made by the indigenous people. I can not begin to understand the motives behind such massive ignorance of government and liberal democratic theory. Forgive them Aristotle they know nothing. With Mr. Khalizad hand feeding the Iraqi council a US version of an Iraqi constitution we see that democracy was never a goal of this war. Democracy was an afterthought, an excuse, a drunk driver’s notion of only having ‘two drinks’. We are slowly solidifying an Islamic republic in the Middle East, we reap what we sow. Moreover, we can not, in the future re-invade this country. It is our Frankenstein and it will not rest until the good doctor is dead.


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