Friday, October 07, 2005

He can not be this ignorant!

1.“Once again, we're responding to a global campaign of fear with a global campaign of freedom.”

Campaign of Freedom? Is that the new word for war? Freedom is now synonymous with war. Does he purposefully misuse words and rearrange meanings for the benefit of his radical evangelical base? Fear as he aptly states is used in every society. Fear has dominated the programs of this administration. Fear is the life line of this administration. Fear reelected Bush and fear keeps soldiers in Iraq. Freedom or liberty from Mill's perspective, is the struggle between the individual and authority. The need for the individual to have complete liberty; authority on the other hand must restrain the individual. Thus a balance must be met. The balance has moved to the authoritarian side in this administration, and the device for this shift is fear.

2. “We will confront this mortal danger to all humanity. We will not tire, or rest, until the war on terror is won.”

How is this possible? Winning a war without understanding its true nature, terror will never be defeated. It is the same as saying that we will win the war on drugs or murder or rape. This is the essence of perpetual war for perpetual peace. You can hear the DOD licking its chops at the sound of an endless war.

3. “Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others, militant Jihadism; still others, Islamo-fascism.”

Does he even understand what fascism is or what it entails? He is now using words in random order to create a sense of creditability. Like a child, upon learning a new word he uses it in any situation. The world laughs at this chicken-hawk. From fascism to communism to evil empires and ideologies of evil and hate, this potpourri of convoluted and unrelated themes begs the question: Is he really this blatantly ignorant?


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