Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's all in the tea leaves

Don’t Bogart that tea …

I thought I was seeing things when a read the Supreme Court had ruled that it must allow the use of a hallucinogenic tea (illegal under illicit drug statues) under religious freedom laws. The essence of the story stems from a Christian group revealing that the dimethyltryptamine, or DMT laced tea is critical to their relationship with God. Rituals are preformed in sessions where the tea is consumed and God is revealed, understood and In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is performed with Gabriel on cow bell.

Excuse me while I light my Spliff…

Now this opens a new case for drug use in our culture. More importantly, this raises the issue of ritual Christian drug use. I understand that Monks are renowned for their barley and hopps and Saints sat in drab caves suckling frosted mushrooms for divine guidance, however the law must be universal and general in its equality. Many a Rasta will testify that Cannabis sativa, which contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is not a pastime but an essential method of enlightenment and so it must also be incorporated in the religious freedom law. This can of weeds, tea, mushrooms and peyote will only bring more ‘enlightened’ groups to the steps of the Supreme Court asking for freedom. This Conservative Court has done the most liberal of things: legalized drugs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, something the Supreme Court and I agree on. Maybe, Alito and Roberts are not that bad after all. Perhaps, Bush's drug convictions are coming under review; and he will argue
religious persecution. Or better still, the Supreme Court will take private land to grow public DMT fields.

8:14 AM  

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