In America, we pride ourselves on our individuality and innovative nature. As BASF proclaims “we make things better”. However, within this “I” first mentality is a dark side. A side of apathy and aloofness, translating into an “I don’t care, unless it happens to me directly frame of mind”. If someone is robbed then it is their problem, not societies. If your child doesn’t learn in school then “it is your problem, not mine”. If the polar ice caps are melting we give a collective shrug and go about our day. Direct impact is the only way Americans become active. A meteor shower can pummel the plant, but if the rocks miss my yard, then it isn’t my problem.
Oil is our meteor shower. And this time everyone needs to get hit. Corporations, households, schools, grocery stores, community living spaces, hotels, recreational activities, and of course everyone’s daily commute. We need to paying $10.00 (I dream of 100.00 a gallon so even the signs of the local gas station must be enlarged) a gallon for gas. That’s right; to stop the addiction we must have an intervention. This intervention will not be made up of family members; however, it will include something much more fungible: Money.
Money talks in this country and it is high time we understand, as Paul Roberts puts it in his seminal work The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World, that oil is too significant a resource to be used for fuel. Oil has reshaped our lives; however the use of this resource as a fuel source must end. Combustible engines be damned. So let the meteor shower begin and have it include everyone in its wake. We need an overhaul and there is no time like the present.
Part of the solution is to allow drilling in new areas, which the Democrats continually vote against.
And following Brazil's lead - develop ethanol sources within the U.S., which our idiot, bought out, corrupt politicians should have done back in the 70's in response to the Arab oil embargos. I hope the price goes up up to 2000.00 bucks a barrel. Maybe that will stimulate Americans to get rid of our idiot politicians and elect competent people who are not beholden to anyone, especially big oil interests. For one term only. Its time to go back to the idea of the citizen politician who only serves one term, not the politician whose primary interest is getting re-elected, then becomes beholden to big donors.
In fact, to sweeten the crude deal (pun intended) we must compromise with drilling. For example, end oil as a source of fuel and new drilling can begin. Also, the end to the political donor class in this country is well overdue. I hope that this ‘gas situation’ begins to gnaw at the American fiber demonstrating the need for wholesale change.
Fuck that $10 a gallon shit. *I* won't be able to
drive MY car. And that just won't do. You expect me to walk or ride a bike to the nationally owned and operated mega grocery store?
I don't know about your happy ass, but I live in New
Orleans, man. There's no trade winds keeping the
marble floor cool. The ice in my Tanqueray (thanks,
jeff) melts before I get thru half of it. It's April
and already we have fleas and sweaty asses. Not to
mention the bionic flies that live on in the putrid
katrina debris and launch pre-dawn home invasions.
Nothing like the constant drone of unidentifiable
insects to make you feel secure in your home.
In fact, I feel a bit warm right now--think I'll turn
the A/C down to 62 while I send my resume to the Nagin campaign. Later when I'm driving, I'm gonna put down the windows and run the A/C. It feels good that way.
God bless America!!!
Thanks for the comment, Mr. Duffy Esq. Keep up the noble work in the Wet Easy.
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