Don’t Forget to Boycott Those Hospitals

Boycotts are great! Boycotts are an American ritual and common occurrence. We boycott voting, understanding, and just about anything that creates a hindrance upon our daily routine. Some boycotts have a profound effect on history and geopolitical strategy.
For example, the Montgomery Bus boycotts are the most renowned and perhaps the best illustration of a boycott in terms of political ends. Other boycotts just created a sense of anguish and disappointment, such as the Olympic boycott. People were just mad at the idea that this was the best we could do against Mother Russia. Carter for all of his greatness was not farsighted enough to realize that the Soviet system could not be treated as an equal and the tit for tat game of boycotts and strong language just got under everyone’s nerves.
Now we have “THE GREAT AMERICAN BOYCOTT”. This is the Hispanic boycott of everything. Busses, schools, rent payment, labor, construction, service industry, buying and illegal immigration. In fact, this boycott will be the first time that illegal immigration will be stopped; even though it will only last a day. However, one institution which will not be boycotted is the overstretched hospital system in
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