Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bumper Sticker Philosophy

I adore bumper stickers. Reading them is an affective way to release road rage and quietly comment on society’s proclivity to pontificate. Additionally, it is the poor mans billboard and a right of passage for our licensed youth. Also, we develop a sense of the person behind the wheel and gently place them into our stereotypes. Whether these profiles are left, right, center, or crazy, stickers are the window to a person’s inebriated psyche.

Currently, there are many political stickers roaming the landscape. From the Neo-classical “W” to the more Warhol inspired ribbons of countless colors and messages, ranging from “Support the Troops” and "MIA/POW" to my personal favorite “Just pretend its all okay”. However, I have always been partial to the standard rectangle bumper sticker with two-tone colors, clear sentences and poetic euphemisms, which brighten any traffic jammed day.

One of the most telling such stickers was the analogy of Col. Sanders. Paraphrasing: “If you’re a taxpayer and vote Democratic it is like chickens voting for Col. Sanders.” What a great piece of advice. Voting for the Democratic Party will ultimately kill you through a guillotine of taxes and social welfare programs. Furthermore, the appearance of the sticker was unblemished by the torrid sun, so I concluded that this sticker was relatively new to the bumper of a 2005 F350 Dually Pick-up truck.

Apparently, this sticker was placed on the truck well before the ultimate passing of the 2005 Republican sponsored energy bill. In which, some of the following sections might be of some interest to Col. Sanders:

I understand that votes on the floor consist of Democrats and Republican however this was a bill pushed by both the President and the GOP majority. I guess Col. Sanders doesn’t discriminate when it comes to chickens, hens, Democrats, Republicans or more importantly the American people.


Blogger Matthew J. VIator said...

I must say, for my money, the sticker "What is my sexual orientation? Horizontal, usually..." is my personal favorite. However, in this case, perhaps a more appropriate tag line would be "Between Energy Policy and Iminent Domain, you're looking at the tailpipe I'm taking it in."

2:45 AM  
Blogger JDAvignon said...

"Between Energy Policy and Iminent Domain, you're looking at the tailpipe I'm taking it in."

Love the sticker, I just wish it wasn't true...

(the double entendre drove home the point quite nicely)

3:17 PM  
Blogger Matthew J. VIator said...

I should work for greeting card companies, no?

10:09 PM  

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