Monday, August 15, 2005

As the Chief naps …

“The use of force is the last option for any president. You know we have used force in the recent past to secure our country,” Bush said. “I have been willing to do so as a last resort in order to secure the country and provide the opportunity for people to live in free societies.”

Beyond his mixed metaphors of ‘opportunity and freedom’ which clearly describe the state of Iraq at this very moment; the detriment to the US grows faster than the centrifugal force spinning out uranic oxide. The nuclear weapon links between Pakistan and Iran are clear. According to Global Security Newswire, instruments and reactor parts received through “an illicit nuclear smuggling network” (can anyone say A. Q. Khan) have made there why to Iran via Pakistan. Thus, the situation is even direr then first thought, for if the Pakistani government or affiliates of the government are involved in nuclear proliferation then we must, according to the Bush Doctrine, attack both Iran and Pakistan simultaneously. However, there is a bright side to this dilemma, for this might be the closest we get to the Caspian Sea and the rich ‘freedom and opportunity' that waits us there.


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