The pedantry of pundits revived this nomenclature as an allusion, to blind faith in ones leader, as in the case of the Jonestown Massacre. A situation where an evangelical born again preacher (EBAP) told his flock that taking his Kool-Aid (laced with poison) would give them everlasting salvation and each would spend eternity in heaven. All died. “Taking the Kool-Aid” metaphor has been around ever since.
In the close knit Bush White House, in between daily prayer meetings, the Kool-Aid has been flowing. The administration has been reluctant to question either Cheney or Bush. In the House and Senate this has been the model for over 5 years. What Bush wants he gets. Bush’s decisions are the way to true salvation and American glory. Moreover, Bush has yet to use his veto power and legislation is approved without relentless scrutiny or review. (Please see 2006 Energy Bill)
However, on this day, three years ago, we watched as the Bush landed on the USS Lincoln and pronounced “Mission Accomplished.” (Eagle One’s Kool-Aid was kept under the podium) Sailors shouted, cheered and Bush felt that he had now earned his place among the pantheon of presidents. Three years later we see this statement at best PR and at worst a lie. However, much more telling is the fact that today Senate Democrats were railing against Bush’s policies and the Iraqi quagmire. Even more discerning was the fact that not one GOP Senator stood up and carried the Bush flag of compassionate conservatism or Neo-Con Strategy.
In fact, all GOP Senators remained silent. Watching as Sen. Reid and Kennedy lambasted their leader and patriarch. The Kool-Aid has worn off and the president is now left holding the pitcher, a shrewd reverse Machiavellian move by the GOP Senators. For in this rush to blame policy makers and bureaucrats, it is apparent that no one wants to be lumped in with the EBAP responsible for a new American malaise.
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