Lennon (not V.I.) coined this phrase over 30 years ago. Helping worthless politicos think instead of react to emotional states of fear and paranoia. Billboards were erected in simple black and white, easier to think in those terms (see Bush II’s state of the union address 2001-2005) and placed throughout metropolitan areas. Disposable philosophy from a British rocker.
However, this sense of senselessness needs a come back, a reunion tour of thought and rational objectivity. The new slogan is… “Fear is over…if you want it”. There is not a war on terrorism. There never was a war on terrorism. A war on terrorism is like a war on potholes. Fill one up and another crops up and these terrorist are motivated not for the destruction of our freedom but for political reasons, thus we see terrorist groups gain legitimacy in democratic governments, see Hamas and Hezbollah (I know it may be hard to believe but each group was voted into office, take this to its logical conclusion: terror groups represent a given population). War, on the other hand, is reserved between states. This ‘war on terror’ is a war on an emotion. Terror is fear. Fear is now used to fight fear. I guess the neo-con cabal thought it would be the same thing as fighting fire with fire, or torture with torture. However, terrorism is not a valid war, it is a crime; please see international law and United States Federal Law. For example, McVeigh’s bombing in Oklahoma was a terrorist act and a crime; it was not a shot across the bow of the USS Abraham Lincoln by a nation-state. Don’t confuse a group of individuals as a sovereign state. As we have done since 9/11. I am not in any way condoning the acts of 9/11, or giving the guilty parties a free pass. However, the reaction to these acts is not war. Our government selected fear as the weapon to fight it, I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Afghanistan is a war for the above reason. Iraq has become a war because of the above reason, except for that nasty bit about congress being the only branch of government to declare war, but the constitution is so passé (see NSA eavesdropping). Now, however, we are still told by the man in the TVBox that we are still at war? Remember this line of thought can only go so far without another explosion or another country to fill the logical void. Bush II needs Iran, Syria, Lebanon and North Korea because these nations are the only form of legitimacy this administration has left…WAR.
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