Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Those poor terrorists

As globalization moves forward with or without the blessing of sovereign populations. And the free market becomes a juggernaut of supply and demand, directed by few and obeyed by all; we must become aware of the coming storm. A storm which will eradicate the poor, from Old New Delhi to the masses outside of La Paz; will be given a new label: that of terrorist. When the poor march to stop dams in India they are terrorists, when the poor protest for water rights in Bolivia they are terrorists, when the poor block industries they are terrorists. We are on the eve of a catastrophic socio-economic genocide.

The poor will be a permanent fixture on every news channel. However, they will be seen as subversives and miscreants. They will be cast aside from humanity as parasites feeding of the wealth of others. The poor will no longer exist, they will only be known as terrorists. Terrorism must be stopped and when a substantial group of people is labeled with this toe tag then genocide is waiting at the next train station. Millions will simply disappear; this is the dark underbelly of progress. Populations will vanish. Land will be confiscated and suicides will be interpreted as accidents. Beware, for this scenario is close at hand. Be vigilant in reading the daily headlines. Move past the front page to the footnotes. Find the open door of truth and never take anyone’s word for it, including mine.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stable and Able -The New Mid-Term Election Catch phrase

A Hat Trick for Rove…

Underneath the radar of an inflamed White House is the ‘demotion’ of Karl Rove. This demotion centered on Rove moving away from policy mechanisms and into the mid-term election campaign. Democrats be afraid be very afraid. Single-handedly Rove is to save the mid-term elections from the evil socialist and leftist hordes in the Democratic Party. His stiletto of impalement is the well documented strategy of strength destruction.

Simply put, place the opponents strengths into public discourses where he or she can be discredited. The candidate is left to defend his time as a solider in Vietnam, a POW or a Vice-President. Come August ,this strategy will be seen on a grand scale. Unfortunately, for Rove he must create an overarching message which will reinvigorate the GOP base while simultaneously dismantling the Democratic message.

Rove will create the following message: Fear, God and Co-opting the Military:

(Sample ingredients)

Fear the godless Democratic Party
Fear Terrorists
Fear Tax increases
Fear Darwin
Fear Gay marriage
Fear Abortion

God is on our side
God understands the war against American Freedom
God sides with Christians

Support the troops
Complete victory
Never surrender
No solider left behind
We owe it to the failing soldiers
Freedom isn’t Free
Let Democracy reign

The amount of ‘ingredient fear’ depends on the local district and regional flavor. For example, in Ohio it is important to use tax increases and abortion as a rallying point but also the GOP must evoke the military issue as a sign of strength and solidarity. Democrats can not evoke the military because this is not their war. Therefore, they are seen as weak and thus counter to anti-terrorism. This is a win-win situation for the GOP. The public must see the Democrats as weak and see the GOP as stable and able.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What does .5 grams of cocaine look like?

This question is important to millions of Mexicans, who now have the option of legal personal drug use. That’s right, legalization of drugs is in full swing and Vincente Fox is leading the way. Or as Héctor Larios, the Senate leader for the National Action Party (PAN), reveals ``The decriminalization of drugs for personal use was already in effect in Mexico,'' (and) ``What we've done now is define the quantities.” I love a good political statement. Hector understands the drug issue in his country is not going to disappear, just because American and Mexican officials feel that it is a stain on mankind. The Mexican government understands the true nature of drugs and the problem it creates for society. Namely, it is the issue of supply; go get the drug pushers not the drug users.

However, ``If people have more access and it's legal to consume drugs, prices will drop and anybody will have access to drugs, and at a lower cost,'' PRD Sen. Antonio Soto Sánchez told Knight Ridder. ``We can't be in favor of drug consumption, which harms our children and young people.'' Is this true? With this line of logical then most people are just waiting in the wings for prices to go down so that they can finally begin their life long dream of drug abuse. I doubt that families are sitting by the TV waiting for drug prices of LSD, marijuana and cocaine to drop so that they can fit it into their shoestring budget. This is preposterous. Normatively speaking this statement also reveals the extremely low opinion Sen. Sanchez has of his constitutes. In effect, by Sen. Sanchez’s account, we are all potential drug abusers and we just need the right price. I can only assume that this statement is more of a reflection of Sen. Sanchez then the Mexican people at large.

I do, however, agree with this bold move. The so called Drug War has cost billions of dollars and no tangible results. New drugs find there way to the market everyday and since it is part of an underground network of dealers and gangsters the true consequences of the drug war can only be speculation. It is time to truly understand the nature of drug use. Some individuals are more inclined to abuse drugs and others might experiment with drugs but the bottom line is that drugs are not the issue. The issue is the approach a society has in handling such an issue. For America, a country dipped in the free market system; it is time to realize the drug war must be waged from the supply side not the demand.

Monday, May 01, 2006

When the Kool-Aid just isn’t sweet enough…

The pedantry of pundits revived this nomenclature as an allusion, to blind faith in ones leader, as in the case of the Jonestown Massacre. A situation where an evangelical born again preacher (EBAP) told his flock that taking his Kool-Aid (laced with poison) would give them everlasting salvation and each would spend eternity in heaven. All died. “Taking the Kool-Aid” metaphor has been around ever since.

In the close knit Bush White House, in between daily prayer meetings, the Kool-Aid has been flowing. The administration has been reluctant to question either Cheney or Bush. In the House and Senate this has been the model for over 5 years. What Bush wants he gets. Bush’s decisions are the way to true salvation and American glory. Moreover, Bush has yet to use his veto power and legislation is approved without relentless scrutiny or review. (Please see 2006 Energy Bill)

However, on this day, three years ago, we watched as the Bush landed on the USS Lincoln and pronounced “Mission Accomplished.” (Eagle One’s Kool-Aid was kept under the podium) Sailors shouted, cheered and Bush felt that he had now earned his place among the pantheon of presidents. Three years later we see this statement at best PR and at worst a lie. However, much more telling is the fact that today Senate Democrats were railing against Bush’s policies and the Iraqi quagmire. Even more discerning was the fact that not one GOP Senator stood up and carried the Bush flag of compassionate conservatism or Neo-Con Strategy.

In fact, all GOP Senators remained silent. Watching as Sen. Reid and Kennedy lambasted their leader and patriarch. The Kool-Aid has worn off and the president is now left holding the pitcher, a shrewd reverse Machiavellian move by the GOP Senators. For in this rush to blame policy makers and bureaucrats, it is apparent that no one wants to be lumped in with the EBAP responsible for a new American malaise.

Don’t Forget to Boycott Those Hospitals

Boycotts are great! Boycotts are an American ritual and common occurrence. We boycott voting, understanding, and just about anything that creates a hindrance upon our daily routine. Some boycotts have a profound effect on history and geopolitical strategy.

For example, the Montgomery Bus boycotts are the most renowned and perhaps the best illustration of a boycott in terms of political ends. Other boycotts just created a sense of anguish and disappointment, such as the Olympic boycott. People were just mad at the idea that this was the best we could do against Mother Russia. Carter for all of his greatness was not farsighted enough to realize that the Soviet system could not be treated as an equal and the tit for tat game of boycotts and strong language just got under everyone’s nerves.

Now we have “THE GREAT AMERICAN BOYCOTT”. This is the Hispanic boycott of everything. Busses, schools, rent payment, labor, construction, service industry, buying and illegal immigration. In fact, this boycott will be the first time that illegal immigration will be stopped; even though it will only last a day. However, one institution which will not be boycotted is the overstretched hospital system in America. I can virtually guarantee that if someone has a heart attack or simply scratches their wrist while holding a poster revealing that they “Are Not Terrorists,” then they will rely on the American hospital system. So what we have is the most American of boycotts. A superficial and media driven boycott of the easiest things in our daily lives: jobs, school, work, construction and the like. However, when the heat is on or someone needs medical attention the boycott ends and reality sets in.