A Hat Trick for Rove…
Underneath the radar of an inflamed White House is the ‘demotion’ of Karl Rove. This demotion centered on Rove moving away from policy mechanisms and into the mid-term election campaign. Democrats be afraid be very afraid. Single-handedly Rove is to save the mid-term elections from the evil socialist and leftist hordes in the Democratic Party. His stiletto of impalement is the well documented strategy of strength destruction.
Simply put, place the opponents strengths into public discourses where he or she can be discredited. The candidate is left to defend his time as a solider in Vietnam, a POW or a Vice-President. Come August ,this strategy will be seen on a grand scale. Unfortunately, for Rove he must create an overarching message which will reinvigorate the GOP base while simultaneously dismantling the Democratic message.
Rove will create the following message: Fear, God and Co-opting the Military:
(Sample ingredients)
Fear the godless Democratic Party
Fear Terrorists
Fear Tax increases
Fear Darwin
Fear Gay marriage
Fear Abortion
God is on our side
God understands the war against American Freedom
God sides with Christians
Support the troops
Complete victory
Never surrender
No solider left behind
We owe it to the failing soldiers
Freedom isn’t Free
Let Democracy reign
The amount of ‘ingredient fear’ depends on the local district and regional flavor. For example, in Ohio it is important to use tax increases and abortion as a rallying point but also the GOP must evoke the military issue as a sign of strength and solidarity. Democrats can not evoke the military because this is not their war. Therefore, they are seen as weak and thus counter to anti-terrorism. This is a win-win situation for the GOP. The public must see the Democrats as weak and see the GOP as stable and able.
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