Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Register Republican…just in case.

I have been a registered Republican for the last decade. I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal/libertarian. I am overly states rights, including the dismantling of the DOE, and see the constitution as a fluid document. These may seem like contradictions but in light of dynamic society, I find this to be, as Mark Satin coined, a radical middle approach to politics. However, my GOP affiliation runs deeper than my core political philosophy. It is the most practical act I can take in this era of voter fraud and electronic voting.

Diebold is the leader in electronic voting machines and carries with it trademark and patent secrets which inhabit public officials from viewing their software and counting procedures. This is a fallacy. Also this is an infringement of our rights as citizens to be equally represented through the election process. Diebold has reportedly been clear about its intentions to push votes into the GOP camp. So with this information in mind, I find myself wondering about the labels that are connected to each voter when they arrive at the polling station. Each voter is labeled with their particular party: DEM, REP, or I is placed next to voters’ name. This is important in some states because of primaries however it is more important for Diebold.

In the general election Diebold can weed out votes through an easy process of party affiliation. If you are a registered DEM your chances of having your vote over turned or dismissed are, in some areas, three times as likely. For evidence of this machination please read, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast. Race is also a common factor but the two labels are clearly connected. So when you are registered as a REP you have a better chance of having your vote counted. Vote for anyone you like but make sure a REP is in front of your name.

Note: to see more Diebold posters visit the following site:



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