Hobbesian Hurricane: Katrina and Man’s Nature
“This is our tsunami” (
“It looks like a third world country” (Reuters)
“Total devastation” (Democracy Now)
"It's devastating. It's got to be doubly devastating on the ground” (CNN - Bush)
“So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of quarrel. First, competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory.” - Thomas Hobbes The Leviathan Chapter XIII. This site is dedicated to contemplation and reverence of politics in all its forms; from human nature to the role of government. Timely news with a historical juxtaposition will be the cornerstone of this blog. Concurrently, an open forum of responses is welcome. Enjoy!
“This is our tsunami” (
“It looks like a third world country” (Reuters)
“Total devastation” (Democracy Now)
"It's devastating. It's got to be doubly devastating on the ground” (CNN - Bush)
I will tear down the winter house
Along with the summer house:
The houses adorned with ivory will be destroyed
And the mansions will be demolished
Declares the LORD
Preemption, hardliners, neoconservatives, realists and the occasional liberal interventionalist will all flock to the UN in three weeks. The Security Council and General Assembly will be decked out in full smiles and hands shakes. Custodians will be shining brass name plates with obscure names such as:
The bout has been set.
It is important to note that the UN was spearheaded by the
The notion of equality is ballyhooed in many circles. There is the natural equality of man. There is equality under the law. However, do not be confused about economic equality. In a free-market system, equality is the starting point not an end (disregard prior-determinates). It is important to view free-market capitalism without Social-colored glasses. The basic premise is inequality. The maxim is scarcity. Economics 101 gives us this premise. Consequently, countries try to expand the base of goods by employing the labor and /or natural resources of other countries. This can be done in numerous ways: war, theft, treaties, liberal economic strategies and the ephemeral globalization we see today.
Globalization is an immense topic for academics and politicians alike. Everyone from Joseph E. Stiglitz to Jagdish Bhagwati reveal the demons and angels of this global network of trade, commerce, ethnic strife and governmental upheaval. I concur with F.A. Hayek, where capitalism and free markets grant indivduals the most choices within the constraints of any economic system. He also reveals that regulations many be needed. In other words, the invisible hand must be occasionally washed .
We have, in our infinite primate wisdom, chosen this ruthlessly competitive economic structure. I will even go as far to say that it is the only economic system which best suits our animalistic nature. Our Hobbesian- reptilian brain is more at ease in an economic market of ‘dog-eat-dog’. The competition of a free market is natural, even though paradoxically unequal. Thus, when the UN establishes that, "Ignoring inequality in the pursuit of development is perilous," …"Focusing exclusively on economic growth and income generation as a development strategy is ineffective, as it leads to the accumulation of wealth by a few and deepens the poverty of many." This is the creature we have created. You can’t have one without the other.
In juxtaposition, socialism cripples choice and renders opportunities empty. Communism crushes innovation and debilitates free thinking. Anarchy will thrust us into an abyss of violence, fear and perpetual war. Free-market systems are not prefect and it will never create a utopia, however it avails the most opportunity for change. Globalization is just a precursor to a much deeper and more expansive free-market structure. What is needed in this time of economic re-birth (within the developing world) is real commitment to free-market structures, from developed as well as developing countries.
In other words, some countries do not need to privatize their entire water, oil or natural resources to be seen as partners in the market system. Slow and gradual change will help stem the tide of ethnic upheaval and strengthen the bonds of governmental legitimacy between the people and the elected. So when, “the United States recently introduce(s) more than 750 amendments that would eliminate new pledges of foreign aid to poor countries, instead focusing on issues such as terrorism and security.” This sends a mixed message, and after a mixed message is received most countries will fall back into old grooves of market manipulation and systematic underdevelopment. The
Draft of Islamic Constitution:
Article (2): 1st – Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation:
(a) No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam.
(b) No law can be passed that contradicts the principles of democracy.
What are the rules of Islam and what are the principles of democracy? Can these two theological/political philosophies truly coexist? Is secularism doomed to be placed on a Liberal pyre?
Let’s take an empirical approach to this situation. List below are a few quotes from the Koran. Granted that this is a small selection, the point is still clear; these “rules” would need to be unquestionably followed. For as the constitution states, these are “undisputed” and therefore complete and perfect:
This is a short repository of quotes. (There are many more in the same vain) Most of the above “undisputed law” is quite unrelenting. This approach to government is one of absolutes. All or nothing and judgment is passed from imams or mullahs, not legislators or judges. Take any scenario of public or private crime. The punishment must come from the Koran, for it is undisputed, it can not be wrong, it is perfect in everyway.
In fact, it can not be erroneous to any degree. For, if it was to become fallible then Islam itself would end. In this circumstance, religion becomes the ultimate doublethink and would create a schism within the minds of the people. This breach would grow and eventually collapse upon itself. In effect, the merger of Islam and democracy, as one in the same, will lead to the end of one and the blossoming of the other. Unfortunately, democracy is lead by the people. Thus in this situation these individuals reflect a dogmatic and blinding faith to Islam, which will be the ruin of democracy, federalism, and Liberal freedom.
Yes, they can!! Straight from the 700 Club come J.J. Boots. (Jesus Jack Boots) Colors range from red, white or blue and your choice of over 100 passages from Leviticus or Deuteronomy embroidered on the straps. (Straps can be loosened for corporal mortification) On the soles of your J.J. Boots you get holy-tread with an artistic interpretation of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez holding a Koran. Supplies are limited and selection depends on your born again status (50% off - if you are holding public office- we will cross-reference your name with our national database and expansive voting counter). The J.J. Boots are stylish and well constructed (made in
*If you are secularist, humanist, atheist, Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Jew, free-thinker or if you read books over 100 pages a fee is applied to all orders (additional 200%) and correct sizes can not be guaranteed. Please send all monies to the care of the 700 club. Remember only you; marching in lock step with your J.J. Boots can prevent communist infiltration.
And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Exodus 21: 23-25
“To recount … by working to establish various federal programs (or in some cases fighting their establishment) congressmen earn electoral credit from concerned elements of their districts. Some federal agency then takes Congress’s vague policy mandate and makes the detailed decisions necessary to translate the legislation into operating programs. The implementation and operation of the programs by the agencies irritate some constituents and suggest opportunities for profit to others. These aggrieved and /or hopeful constituents then appeal to their congressman to intervene in their behalf with the bureaucratic powers that be. The system is connected when congressmen decry bureaucratic excesses and red tape while riding a grateful electorate to ever more impressive electoral showings.” (67)
Thus the key to the
This situation has arisen because of incumbent security and the ability of the incumbent to understand the pulse of his or her district. This does not occur because of redistricting, party identification, or pecks by incumbents. The key to the incumbent success is the activist federal government. This creates a cycle explained above. In conclusion, “the overreaching theme of this work is that responsiveness in that narrow sense (responsiveness to district concern only) can impede responsiveness in a larger sense (national concerns tend to take a back seat).” (134) Moreover, “the problem with Congress is that congressman conscientiously, openly, and as a matter of electoral survival assiduously (serve) the special interests of their districts. And in the absence of the coordinating forces of strong parties of presidential leadership, the general interest of the
The central question is whether the exercise of legislative strategy depends on the leader or context of the party? The leadership literature focuses on individuals and their accomplishments. Contextual literature relies on the institution as the bearer of constraint and freedom. In other words, each approach to legislative action is polarized into two different extremes of explanation.
Leadership first grew out of party cohesiveness in the 1960s. Later this party unity was broadened in the 1990s by Republican reforms. These reforms were based in the accountability of committees to the party. These are institutional changes. These changes are further bolstered by what Cox and McCubbin’s argue as “legislative cartels.” The leadership position is seen as a “central agent” who helps broker deals between groups. Conversely, this is absent in the Senate because of the independent nature of that institutional group.
Consequently, the Senate is an example of personal leadership style. A firm example of this type of personal leadership is LBJ. Moreover, “leadership is more individualized in the Senate leaders than the House because Senate leaders lack the institutional resources available to House members.” (Cox and McCubbin’s) Even with these institutional resources Ripley (1967) argues that there are three distinct leadership patterns available for House Speakers: Collective, Figurehead, and Personal. However, looking at leadership styles and personality is “generally … idiosyncratic.” (ibid) A better explanation is through institutional and political constraints. According to Strahan (1992) these constructs on leadership are divided into three parts: Institutional, Partisan and Agenda-related.
Institutional context is the structure and guidelines for congressional behavior. This sets the stage for committee positions and demotions. Partisan context is the internal workings of each party. This can be broad or narrow, but party cohesiveness is an important part. In other words, “strong parties exist when each party’s mass base is homogenous, yet the bases of each party differ.” (ibid) Lastly, agenda-related context is also a constraint which affects leadership power. Narrowly defined, agenda are issues which the party finds solutions to and consensus about.
In conclusion, “congressional leadership is best understood as due to the interaction of personal and contextual factors, an interaction that is more evident when leaders’ personalities make them go beyond what the context permits and allow them to take advantage of the context to increase their power.” (ibid) In effect, the party is an elastic bubble. This bubble increases and decreases according to issues, majorities, and divided government but most importantly the specific leader placed inside.No offense to Cindy Sheehan, but there is relevant news occurring in the world that might be granted some thought. Unfortunately, the media circus, complete with lawn chairs, a big top and primates, has made Cindy’s crusade a story for a summer domestic news vacuum. Thus, the event is unmistakably worth universal attention and resources.
Whatever happened to the journalist zeal for the untold story? So if you are so inclined here are a few stories which are not concerned about – camps, white crosses, pick-up trucks, bias media, port-a-potties, shot guns, bike rides, bar-b-que, naps or pundits.
According to William Fisher, Gen. Myers is referring to the, “87 ” ”new” photos and four videotapes taken at Abu Ghraib … those turned over to Army investigators last year by Specialist Joseph M. Darby, a reservist who was posted at the prison.” Gen. Myers is certain that these new photos will increase the already abundant insurgency strikes, create new riots and a host of other misfeasance.
Sunday Muse for the week that was:
All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of
They hiss and gnash the teeth:
They say, we have swallowed her up:
Certainly this is the day that we looked for
We have found, we have seen it.
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris embodies the true fundamental nature of ‘why the world is in conflict’. Based on sound logic and penetrating reason Sam Harris asks the questions no one else seems to bother with or discuss. The book is critical for anyone interested in finding a true and complete solution to terrorism, extremism and religious fascism in the world.
Item | |
Federal, Proportional Representative, Bi-Cameral | |
Congress Mode of Election: | Upper house will be composed of popularly elected members from the 18 administrative districts (provinces). One representative for every 55,000 inhabitants. (At current population levels this will include 462 representatives) A term of 2 years will be established for each representative. The minimum threshold will be 10%. Candidates must have resided in the province for at least one year and must be at least 20 yrs old. Senators will represent a lower house. One Senator from each province, for a total of 18. A term of 3 years will be established for each Senator. Candidates must have resided in the province for at least 2 years and must be at least 25 years old. A minimum threshold of the vote will be set at 10%. Term limits for lower house will be set at 3 terms, for the lifetime of candidate. |
Congressional power of the Upper House | All national bills will need a majority to be passed and sent to the Lower house for ratification. The Prime Minister will originate in this House. If a tie occurs the Prime Minister will cast the deciding vote. |
Congressional Power of the Lower House | Upper House bills will be voted on and a majority must be reached to ratify the law. The President will be elected from the Lower House. |
Prime Minister Powers | Prime Minister will appoint a cabinet for advice and counsel. These members must be approved by the Upper House. Prime minister will vote in the Upper House if a tie occurs. |
Presidential Powers | Presidential Powers are ceremonial in nature. The President does not have veto power. He or she will be the national symbol of unity and strength. President will appoint Supreme court judges. |
Amendments | Amendments must be created in the Upper House and be ratified by 2/3 of the Upper and Lower House and the provincial governments. |
Judicial Courts | Supreme courts will be appointed by the president and ratified by the Upper and Lower house. There will be seven Supreme Court justices. The court will not have judicial review, only minimal influence on policies. Terms of court appointees will be for life. |
Central Bank | The central bank will be independent. It will influence monetary policy, interest rates and natural resources. Natural resources will act as the reserve for all loans. Through these funds education and health care will be available to all citizens. |
Provincial Government | Each provincial government will be autonomous. It will consist of a popularly elected assembly. The assembly will create a charter for appropriate government. The charter will not override or be superior to the national constitution. Members of the assembly will serve for 3 years. Term limits are at the discretion of the province. Local taxation and administrative control will be centered in the provincial government. |
As The Independent records, “
This situation can easily spin out of control. Even though both countries have agreed on a “hotline” to avoid catastrophic nuclear disasters, this small stop gap measure seems pointless in the face of religious and nationalist fervor. The difference between the Soviet and US Cold War and the new Cold War is cemented in the underlining religious need for such weapons. These weapons are not only used for national defense but in defense of religion. Thus this Cold War will inevitably become hot. In fact, these two countries have a built in dispute over
Advocates point to research that shows kids forget a lot of what they’ve learned over the summer.
With all due respect to Ron Fairchild and
Moreover, standardized tests now consume at least two full months of in-depth training for students, the months of February and March are most likely to be the victims of death by ditto. The entire two months are devoted to nothing but state tests and the scores which are needed to become an ‘A’ school.
Granted that re-teaching is needed but this will always be the case. Children need refreshers just as adults need retraining. This is no surprise. Moreover, the push by some parents to end the horrible decline of summer is complete nonsense. The traditional summer recess was instituted for an agrarian society. We are far from those days of ma and pa needing help from the chit’len down on the homestead.
In my opinion, school should be year round. With breaks between quarters; within these breaks students will be assigned critical thinking projects (which is lacking in most situations) and further reading. Education is not a light switch to be turned off and on. It is a fire which must be kept ablaze. Parents and teachers alike need to think of the student first and Disney world second.
"If you hear that in one of the towns which Yahweh your God has given you for a home, there are men, scoundrels from your own stock, who have led their fellow-citizens astray, saying, :
"let us go and serve other gods," hitherto unknown to you, it is your duty to look into the matter, examine it, and inquire most carefully. If it is proven and confirmed that such a hateful thing has taken place among you, you must put the inhabitants of that town to the sword; you must lay it under that curse of destruction - the town and everything in it. You must pile up all its loot, offering it all to Yahweh your God. It is to be a ruin for all time and never rebuilt."
Deuteronomy (13:12-16)
"But the infidels who die unbelievers shall incur the curse of God, the angels, and all men. Under it they shall remain for ever, their punishment shall not be lightened, nor shall they be reprieved."
Koran (2:162)
“(a) bomb (that) exploded 580m above the ground. The air temperature at the point of explosion reached several million degrees Celsius. A few millionths of a second after the explosion, the fireball began to spread out, reaching a diameter of about 23m within 1/10,000th of a second with a temperature of 300,000C. Within 0.3 seconds, the fireball grew to more than 200m wide and released heat rays that devastated the city.”
When these sun rays of radiation filled fission eclipsed all life in
Within the hellish agony of thousands were differing reports. First was the report presented by George Weller and Wilfred Burchett. Both were affiliated with the Chicago Daily News. Burchett, while sitting in an atomic earthen hole wrote, “"In Hiroshima, 30 days after the first atomic bomb destroyed the city and shook the world, people are still dying, mysteriously and horribly - people who were uninjured in the cataclysm from an unknown something which I can only describe as the atomic plague."
The symptoms to which William L. Laurence called fiction now are clear truths about radiation fallout. Laurence one of the first true soldiers in the filed of embedded reporting was called on by the military to clear the air out the mistruths and lies by Weller and Burchett. For which he was rewarded handsomely with a Pulitzer Prize for his groundbreaking analysis of
War in all its trappings must be made public. No matter how cruel or inhuman war is it must be revealed so that people may read, see and listen to the consequences. Why is this necessary? It is necessary for the preservation of future generations. It is important to calibrate the destruction within the confines of human suffering. Thus it is essential that the media in all its forms be made available for posterity.
Many may stray from the point of this review. Some may feel that I am siding with the Japanese during a global conflict against fascism. To the contrary I am highlighting the need to stop fascism in all its forms including the most corrosive: media.